Town Board (Approved minutes)
Tony Bush, Supervisor
Richard Waldron, Councilman
Mark Martino, Sr., Councilman
Al Hanson, Councilman
John DeBottis, Councilman
Implement and administer Local and Town Laws
Review of Special Use Permits
Set and Maintain Town Budget
Oversee General Operations of the TOWN OF HASTINGS
Meetings are scheduled generally 7:30pm the second Tuesday of each month.
Planning Board
Paul Brissette, Chairman
Andrew Weatherup
Jason Beardsley
James Rowe
Jeffrey Tetrault, Vice Chairman
Mike Hart
Richard Vose
Robin Smith, Recording Secretary
Review Subdivisions and Site Plans for conformance with Local Laws
Make Recommendations to Town Board on Special Use Permit Applications
Make Recommendations to Zoning Board of Appeals for Variance Applications.
Meetings are scheduled generally 7:30pm the first Thursday of each month.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Kevin Pooley
Edward Linstruth
Randy Brooks
James Parsnow
Kathy Jobson
Robert Loran
Roger Nasiff
Robert Boutell, Chairman
Robin Smith, Recording Secretary
Interpretations: Upon appeal from a decision by the Code Enforcement Officer, to decide any question involving the interpretation of any provision of this law, including determination of the exact location of any zone boundary.
Variances: Upon appeal from a decision by the Code Enforcement Officer, or upon referral by the Planning Board or Town Board, to vary the strict application of any of the requirements of this law.
Board of Assessment Review
George Zuk, Chairman Brian Baxter Richard Mercer Heather Stevens James Card